This is the website for the eLaw Alumni Association. Parts of this website are only accessible to registered members.
The eLaw@Leiden Alumni association has three general goals: it assures eLaw@Leiden of contact with it’s expert alumni network for the purposes of research, education and contact with the information society we live in. It assures eLaw alumni of an easy way to stay in touch with eLaw@Leiden for their own varied purposes. And, last but not least, it provides a platform for information exchange and social activities.
Membership of the eLaw Alumni Association is open to:
- Former and current employees of eLaw@Leiden
- Those otherwise related to eLaw@Leiden (This can be due to PhD reasearch and/or promotions, professional relationships, thesis students and/or masters students in various courses)
Memberships based on the second category are awarded at the discretion of the board.
eLaw alumni are free to add posts and comments to both public and private eLaw Alumni Sites. The private parts of this eLaw Alumni Site can only be seen by alumni.
As quite a few eLaw alumni are non-native Dutch speakers and many native Dutch speakers do command some English, the choice of language between Dutch an English is context dependent and free in principle. As your webmasters are limited in time and resources, the main website is maintained in English, which is the preferred interface language.